The Numbers Queen - Sarah Yip

2024 Earth Angels & Butterfly Healing Meditation - For Global Compassion

Sarah Yip

Hi folks! Here's a meditation I channelled on 11/11 for Your 2024 Numerology Forecast, my annual class series with predictions and tips. Please, share it with your friends who need kindness and hope right now.

It is the perfect track to prepare you for the intense opportunities for global compassion, spiritual connection, improved health and ethical wealth pouring in from now. I have created hundreds of customised meditations over the years and I know you'll experience many benefits from this track!

Feedback from listeners so far:
"Wow I just bought a book on Earth Angels at 11.47 today, before I heard this." Bec
"I got very emotional as I felt my mother as one of the Angels." Kylie
"I was crying and now feel so happy." Annie
"The pain in my right hip left as soon as you said the butterflies are landing where pain is." Sandy
Others reported feeling: tingly, peaceful, blissed, loving, whole, relaxed and floaty, zen, calm and connected.

Sign up to receive access to our forecast membership site, private Facebook group and replays. Earlybird special is $110 until 9 Dec (save $55!) Call 1 video is available with insights into 2023's events and 2024's Chinese astrology and powerful 8 numerology.

The meditation  involves healing your aura with a golden bubble, breath and light then connecting with the giant Angels who protect and nurture the Earth. You will come back into the room with these Angels by your side.  They will pour love into your relationships, health into your body, wisdom into your mind and money into your accounts from now on. What is hard for you to do is easy for them.

Imagine going through the next part of your life with these giant Angels moving things out of the way that block you and bringing all the things that are for your highest good. Co-create from now on, allow them in. The Angels need you on Earth, to bring healing into the physical. In return, we can benefit from their holistic perspectives and grace.

For the second part of the track, you'll call in your personal healing butterflies from Source, to land on the parts of you that have been sore, tired, overworked. They may land all over your body or just on those parts. As you breathe, the butterflies gently transmit balance in and through your physical self. They know exactly what to do and where to go.

Some of them will move to your heart to take away any stress that you have about the future or pain from the past. These beautiful volunteer butterflies will take these energies back to the Universe.  Others will stay with you this next year to assist and guide you to stay connected to your truth.

Using your breath, you will invite a butterfly to fly into your throat, giving you the gift of communication with Spirit. Expect miracles from now on. As you return to the room, the butterfly will dissolve into a peaceful blue light. You can place the golden bubble around yourself anytime you like for healing. 

Copyright Sarah Yip 2024. For non-commercial personal use. Thank you for your integrity. If you have any q's, email

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